Security Radar Integrators, Inc. (SRI) has been awarded a 5 year contract to provide support, maintenance, training, and extended warranty for the Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). SRI won a competitive shootout to be awarded the original PIDS contract in 2017, of which the maintenance portion expired at the end of 2022. After 5 years of successful operation including independent performance evaluations by National Safe Skies Alliance, SFO decided to extend maintenance until the end of 2027. The SFO PIDS is based on SRI’s Airfield Radar System (ARS), which uses Navtech ground radar and AdvanceGuard software to automate perimeter surveillance and response. AdvanceGuard also supports airfield surveillance for operations, and is fully integrated with other sensors such as Echodyne 3D drone radar, SightLogix thermal analytics, and Dallmeier runway cameras. AdvanceGuard is used by over 50 airports worldwide, and has integrations with many cameras, VMS, and PSIM systems.
SRI Enters 10th Year of Port Everglades Coastal Surveillance Contract
In October 2014, Security Radar Integrators, Inc. (SRI) was selected as the supplier